Sunday, August 12, 2007

Blog World Expo

I just finalized all of my travel arrangements for the Blog World Expo in Vegas on November 8th and 9th. I'm pretty dang excited about getting out of town for a bit and learning more about this whole blogging insanity I've recently gotten myself wrapped up in. There's something about Vegas that is so nostalgic for me. My parents used to drag me and my brother there at least once or twice a year. We would end up stuck in the motel room watching television if there was anything on, or tossing cards into the motel trash can if there wasn't. How lame is that? The only time I remember it being sort of fun, was when we went to Circus Circus. I think it had just opened and we didn't stay at the actual hotel, but we were pretty close at some Travelodge. Circus Circus was fun. My parents would just abandon us on the arcade level and then we would make it back to the room somehow. This is also lame, but it was better than being stuck in a room.
As ironic as it may be, I have booked a room at the Circus Circus, which is fairly close to the convention center. I'm not sure why I did it, but there is some sense of satisfaction in being able to do things my parents never could. I feel a similar sense of satisfaction when I know I am being the parent my folks never were.

1 comment:

lecram sinun said...

I think it's great that you are "breaking the chain" so to speak. Let me know how the blogging convention goes. Cheers!